„No-one questions the fact that Christians in the 21st century are involved in spiritual warfare – if only by being attacked“ – Ramez Attalah, Ägypten
„If you don’t pray, you are saying to God: I don’t need you“ – Hwai Tek, Malaysia
„Evangelism is about connecting the word of God with the world of God. If we don’t understand either of them, we will fail.“ – John Stott
„Unfortunately, evangeIicals don’t cooperate well by definition“
„The era of mission from the west to the rest of the world is finished. Welcome to the era of mission from everywhere to everywhere!“ – David Ruiz, Guatemala
„I am afraid we Asians are repeating the same error the western brothers made 100 years ago – to equate economic power with our position in the worldwide body of Christ“ – Patrik Fung, Singapur
„The days of the single evangelical superstars are over“
„Ich finde es beeindruckend, hier das Körpergefühl des weltweiten Leibes Christi zu erleben“ – Teilnehmer der deutschen Delegation in einer Austauschrunde